Food Safety
    • Baking production line and edible oil production line passed the Japan JFS-B food safety verification.
    • The Food R&D, TAF Laboratory has added certification for the grain-moisture.
    • Continue to purchase US SSAP soybean and corn, amount sourced 79,324 tons, approximated 19.3% of total soybean and corn purchase for production use to support eco-friendly farming and sustainable land use.  Also, procure locally grown dent corn to reduce carbon emissions generated from the transportation of imported grain.  Furthermore, continue to certified the palm oil products via RSPO certification.
    • Continue to purchase FSC certified cardboard boxes, 136,890 counts which totaled 20.59% of total edible level cardboard boxes purchased, to support sustainable forest management.
    • Cerear’s cereal expands the use of loal ingredients, including roasted sweet potato crisps and papaya milk crisps.
    • The new addition of an edible oil packaging line is automated with AI features, providing better hygiene controls and a work environment.
Low Carbon Emissions toward Sustainability
    • Taichung Harbor Plant quantified GHG emissions in 2014; Shalu Plant and Taichung Harbor Plant are certified for four consecutive years; in 2023, Lukang plant was also certified to expand the scope of quantification.
    • Shalu plant and Taichung Harbor Plant adopted ISO 50001 Energy Management; both plants are certified via an independent third party.
    • Started the solar panel installation in 2014, total capacity 3,514.61 kW.  An increase of 28.39% in solar panel energy generation from 2022 to 2023.
    • Reduced 1,718 kg of ink on the edible oil containers via plain containers with label instead of printing on the container.
    • Continue to hold Carbon-Footprint labels for 2 sesame oil products, 5 dried bonito flakes products, and 15 pet food products, total of 22 products.
    • 3 low environmental impact products with the Green Mark which increase resource efficiency.
    • GHG emission intensity reduced 1.4% from 2022 to 2023.
    • The volume of recovered agricultural and food waste increased 22.55% from 2022 to 2023.
    • Charming Food continue to hold certification of ISO 14064: 2014, Water Footprint Project.
Charitable Events
    • Hosted 8th Annual Taiwan-Japan Pet Workshop, total of 479 participants.
    • Hosted 9th Annual Cerear Table Tennis Tournament, total of 675 participants.
    • For 17 consecutive years participated the winter charity event hosted by Hui Chung Temple for 64 volunteer hours
    • Recorded podcast and video for Youtube broadcast to promote the consumption of vegetable oils and grain-based food products.
    • Collaborate with New Taipei City Government to host pet fun competition event to promote the bonding between pets and their owners.
Happy Innovative Workplace
    • Arrange one-on-one counseling sessions for three retiring employees to facilitate self-exploration, adjust physical and mental states, and increase efficiency.
    • Replace the first-floor OA office equipment and LED lighting fixtures to provide employees with a comfortable working environment.
    • Conduct workplace gender equality education training and post materials for the prevention of sexual harassment.
    • Frequency Severity Indicator for 2023 released by Occupational Safety and Health Administration dropped from 0.47 to 0.45.
    • Implement the adherence to human rights policies to ensure human rights responsibilities.
    • Adopted ISO 45001 Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems to increase employee safety at the workplace.
    • 35% of employees participated in the employee stock ownership trust, and provided scholarships of NT$350,000 to the employee children.