As of the laboratory operations, we continue to satisfy the certification specifications to maintain the TAF accreditation via adhering to the stringent policy to implement inspections to ensure food products hygiene and safety.

We even adopted Laboratory Information Management System, LIMS, to effectively manage samples and associated data which allows us to automate workflows, minimize manual data entry errors, and integrate instruments to control and improve lab productivity.

At the same time, we are actively integrating and updating the enterprise resource planning system, ERP, with the LIMS system to facilitate the smooth communication of data, enabling faster access to information on raw materials, production, and inspection results, shortening waiting time, and improving all aspects of testing results and inventory management.

In response to the inspection regulations or method updates, "Inspection Method for Pesticide Residues in Food-Multi-Residue Analysis Method (V)" is closely related to our company operations. We have completed the MSMS mass spectrometryrelated inspection development and the purchase of new standard samples; we expect to launch in January 2023 to meet the requirement of testing the 410 items of pesticide residue inspection.


Fwusow Industry Food Testing Laboratory
Fwusow Industry Laboratory 
Fwusow Industry Laboratory On-site Analysis Items
Inspection Type Types of Analysis

Edible oils and fats: Color (Lovibond Tintometer), Oxidation Stability Index (OSI), Melting point, Cooling test, Sediment, Solubility, Color change, Oil meal.
Cereals and other products: Moisture (oven method), Crude ash, Specific gravity (volume weight), Refractive index, Water activity, Particle size distribution, Color (Lab)

Edible oils and fats: Moisture (Karl Fischer), Acid value, Peroxide value, Iodine value, Unsaponifiable matter, Total polar compound, Fatty acid composition (GC), Soap content test, Bleaching power of clay, Phospholipid.
Cereals and other products: Crude fat, Crude protein, Urease activity, Uniformity test, pH value, Purity of citric acid(Titration method), Aflatoxin, Multimycotoxin(11 items), Pesticide residue (410 items)

Methods of Test for Food Microorganisms: Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Plate Count), Coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonolla

Charming Food Laboratory
In 2023, we participated in a blind proficiency test organized by a food institute, alongside 45 other firms.
We conduct laboratory inter-laboratory comparisons regularly, twice in 2023, to ensure the reliability of our quality testing.

Charming Food On-Site Analysis Items
Inspection Type Types of Analysis
Chemical Veterinary Drug Residues (Rapid Test)
Microbiological Standard Plate Count (Aerobic Plate Count), Coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli. Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, Listeria monocytogenes

Quality Control Overview
Fwusow Industry
  • Before adopting new raw materials, suppliers are required to complete a "Supplier Raw Material Questionnaire" for managing allergens, vegetarian requirements, and genetically modified crops.
  • In 2023, 11,542 batches of raw materials were inspected, with 23 failing to meet the standards, resulting in a pass rate of 99.81%. Additionally, 46,261 batches of semi-finished and final products underwent inspection, with 9 failing to meet the standards, resulting in a pass rate of 99.98%.
  • In 2023, outsourced analysis of raw materials and finished products totaled 1,710 samples, including 934 samples of oils and 776 samples of grains. Eight samples did not meet the standards, resulting in a pass rate of 99.53%.

Charming Food
  • In 2023, Charming Food conducted a total of 42 inspections on broilers, raw materials, fresh meat products, processed products, and outsourced manufacturing items, amounting to 7,182 inspections.
  • The "Animal Drug Residue" tests performed in 2023 totaled 816 pre- and post-slaughter inspections, with a 100% pass rate.
  • The total operational and testing costs for the Quality Assurance Laboratory amounted to NTD $7,334,334, approximately 0.4% of the company's total operating revenue.
Food Product Inspection & Analysis Expenses Chart (Charming Food)
Year 2021 2022 2023
Inspection & Analysis Expenses 4,226,050 5,222,628 7,334,334
% Total Food Product Revenue 0.3 0.3 0.4
Inspection & Analysis (Count) 5,059 7,262 7,182
Note: Voluntary & third-party inspection & analysis expenses, inclusive