We continue to make improvements in air quality with odor emissions and particulate matter. We strategically collaborated with the National Taipei University of Technology to install smart sensors for detecting and monitoring odor emissions.
Moreover, we also install odor removal equipment and use recyclable material for packing the waste material to reduce the impacts of our operation on the local communities and the surroundings.

Environmental Protection Investments & Expenses in 2023
Category Description Cases Expense (NT$) Investment (NT$)
Air Pollution Stationary pollution sources:
Inspection & application
4 455,150  
Stationary pollution sources:
Control Fee Collection
10 632,631  
Cyclone separator upgrade 30 408,350  
Odor removal equipment 2   3,041,205
Air pollution control and
processing equipment improvement
10   1,786,000
Water Water pollution control measures and
test reporting
4 55,816  
Water pollution expenses 4 2,517  
Inspection fee 8 143,145  
Waste water management expense 17 152,760  
Operational Waste General Waste 66 1,781,835  
Sewage Sludge 6 352,343  
Recycle container processing expense 43 3,930,605  
Subtotal 7,915,152 4,827,205
Total 12,742,357