We have annual supplier onsite visit plan; our audit team members are made of staff from the receiving, quality control and production units.

The audits are focused in the area of food safety system, storage and warehouse, to ensure our supplier meet the management and supply quality criteria. 
  • In 2023, alongside evaluating domestic suppliers, we sent representatives with the US Soybean Export Council to visit raw material suppliers in the US.
  • This visit focused on understanding soybean planting conditions, storage methods, transportation, and quality inspection processes. Additionally, we participated with the Taiwan Vegetable Oil Manufacturers Association in the 2023 Malaysia Palm Oil Conference to gain insights into palm tree planting environments and palm oil market operations, thereby facilitating the promotion and sale of palm oil.
In 2023, we conducted onsite evaluations for 18 suppliers. Evaluation items included receiving inspection, production management, quality inspection, and inventory management systems. These evaluations accounted for 5.96% of the total 302 food-related suppliers. All evaluated suppliers met the criteria with no significant issues identified.

Food Related Supplier Onsite Inspection Chart
Year Food Suppliers # Onsite Inspection Performed
2021 245 23
2022 304 13
2023 302 18